While our adorable pups do various endearing things, they’re also known for doing some things weird and frustrating. One of the most disturbing things that fall in the latter category is putting everything in their mouth.
From roadkill to feces, some dogs can consume anything they find. If your dogs eat everything they find, you should be concerned. Why does my dog eat everything? Let’s explore the possible cause of the problem and how to stop it.
Why Does My Dog Eat Everything?
Generally, pets and humans have been known for consuming non-edible things. Most pet owners believe that any dog with this behavior lacks certain nutrients or essential minerals in their diet.
This is the case most of the time, but there are several other causes of this issue in an adult dog, such as:
Pica in dogs refers to the consumption of non-food items, which can be a behavioral or medical issue. Dogs with pica may ingest various objects, including rocks, clothing, plastic, paper, wood, and more.
This behavior can lead to serious health problems if the ingested items are toxic, indigestible, or obstructive.
Here are some potential causes and factors associated with pica in dogs:
- Nutritional Deficiency: A lack of certain nutrients in a dog’s diet may drive them to seek out non-food items. This is more common in dogs on poorly balanced or inadequate diets. So, when dogs eat grass, you should examine their diet. A rock-eating dog may lack certain nutrients in their diet. Rock eating can also be a sign of anxiety and boredom.
- Medical Conditions: Some medical issues, such as gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, or parasites, can prevent your dog from eating their usual food. It’s essential to rule out any underlying health problems that can cause this dog’s unusual eating habits with a veterinary examination.
- Behavioral Issues: Anxiety, stress, boredom, or lack of mental and physical stimulation can contribute to pica. Dogs may engage in this behavior to cope with their Environment or seek attention.
- Genetics: Certain breeds may be more prone to pica and could have a genetic component.
- Compulsive Disorders: Some dogs may develop compulsive behaviors, including pica, due to genetics or past experiences.
If you suspect that your dog is exhibiting pica, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian. The vet can help determine whether the behavior is due to a medical or behavioral issue.
Treatment may involve addressing underlying medical conditions and modifying the dog’s diet. You can also provide appropriate mental and physical stimulation and use behavioral training techniques.
In some cases, medication may be recommended to manage compulsive behaviors or anxiety.
Exploring Their Surrounding
Every pet, particularly puppies, loves exploring their surroundings using their mouth. Your dog’s innate scavenging tendencies force them to smell, taste, and then chew things while learning using their stronger senses.
Dogs don’t have hands, so expecting your pup to never lick or chew anything is impossible. It’s like expecting a toddler to not lift or eat everything around them and even put them in their mouth.
Luckily, most dogs tend to outgrow such behaviors like eating grass.
Eating everything is still an instinct that some dogs carry to adulthood, particularly when they find something new. Consuming strange things can affect your dog’s digestive tract and cause illnesses.
Enticing Scents and Flavors
Some are quite irresistible to your pet, thanks to their powerful scent. If anything smells like food, then it can be more tempting. This is the main reason why you should always sort your kitchen garbage.
We remove all the used tissues, old socks, and diapers that can be easily mistaken for food.
Other Reasons Why My Dog Eats Everything
- Boredom: Dogs left alone or without enough mental and physical stimulation may resort to chewing and eating random objects when bored.
- Nutritional Deficiency: Some dogs may eat non-food items if they are lacking certain nutrients in their diet. Ensure your dog is on a well-balanced and nutritionally complete diet.
- Anxiety or Stress: Dogs may chew on objects when they are anxious, stressed, or experiencing changes in their Environment.
- Attention-Seeking: Dogs may learn that chewing on or eating items gets them attention, even if it’s negative attention. This can be a learned behavior.
- Hunger: Dogs may eat non-food items if they are not getting enough food or if their feeding schedule is irregular.

Minimizing the Risk of Your Dog Consuming Everything
It can be dangerous for your dog to eat things off the ground, depending on what they ingest. Dogs explore their Environment with their mouths, and they may come across various items that can pose risks to their health. Poop pet parents can do everything to prevent poop eating. So why don’t you start with the following:
- Supervise Your Dog: Keep a close eye on your dog when they are outside or in unfamiliar environments. Supervising it can prevent poop eating while improving its behavior.
- Training: Teach your dog commands like “leave it” to discourage them from picking up and eating things from the ground. A tired and busy dog eats healthy food, so keeping it busy can help curb this behavior. Proper training can help change your dog’s behavior while stopping it from eating everything.
- Keep the Environment Safe: Ensure that your home and yard are free of potential hazards and keep toxic substances out of reach. Replacing them with fun chew toys can prevent poop-eating.
Final Thoughts
Dogs eating everything is not something new; it’s one of the ways they learn while young. Most dogs tend to drop this behavior while growing up. Unfortunately, this condition can occur while they’re adults, especially if they don’t consume a balanced diet.
Poor diet and boredom can cause this peculiar condition. You should train your dog and eliminate all hazardous things in the house.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my dog eating everything?
Your dog may be suffering from a condition known as pica, which forces him to consume strange things.
Can pica be cured?
Treatment of this condition will depend on any underlying medical condition or its behavior. If the cause of the problem is behavioral, then you can manage the condition using various physical activities.
Which dog breed is prone to pica?
Pica is quite common among dogs with high energy levels, like the Labradors. These dogs tend to chew everything around them if they don’t get sufficient exercise.