Some people are scared of owls, while other people find owls amazing. These prey birds are among the most intelligent birds on the planet. Owls are solitary birds; most people recognize them by their unique upright stance and broad, round heads.
Aside from their unusual look, owls do something that seems fascinating to us humans. Owls can swallow their prey whole, stay awake all night, and more! For some people, owls’ legs and knees are a real mystery. You might ask yourself, do owls have knees? So, do owls have knees? Yes or no? Let me answer that one!
Yes! Owls have knees. They have a patella or kneecap, but for most owls, feathers cover their knees, which is why most of us can’t see it. The location of the owl’s knee joint is between the tibiotarsus. Yet, birds’ legs are slightly different from ours, and people are confused about the knees and ankles of owls.
If you are interested in learning more about owl legs and their structure, I will answer the questions below.
Why Owls Have Knees
The skeleton of owls is pretty usual for birds. Perfectly structured for flying and walking. The skeleton of owls is too light, which weighs around 9% of their total body weight.
Unlike mammals, in birds like owls, many bones are fused, which allows them to have good support for their weight on the ground.
Do Owls Have Long Legs?

Yes! Owls have long and slender legs. However, the length of owls’ legs may vary based on the species since there are many species of owls.
For most owls, legs are rarely seen because feather covers them. Even though for some species, like a barn owl, legs are completely visible.
The legs of owls are half the size of their entire body height. This is not surprising since owls’ long and muscular legs are the primary tools for hunting and capturing prey. Long and strong legs are necessary for every bird considered a predator.
Do Owls Have Talons?

Owls have four talons. Two of their talons are facing forward, while the other two are in the back. The structure of their claws is perfect for catching prey, which provides them a perfect grip.
Owls are known to be birds of prey. Owls hunt, kill, and eat other animals. For all birds considered predators, talons are an essential tool in their hunting skills.
The talons of owls are very strong. It can hurt even humans and big cats like lions! Owls use them for hunting different animals. They catch the prey with sharp talons, which is almost impossible to escape.
For most owl prey, talon pressure is hard enough to crack their spine. For some owl species, the talon’s power pressure ranges from 300 to 500 pounds per square mile. For the animals that owls eat, that strength is very deadly!
Aside from their strong talons, the hunting skills of owls are also good. They use stealth attacks. Owls have specialized feathers in their front wings that allow them to fly in almost complete silence.
Do Owls Have Backbones?

Yes! Owls have backbones. Owl is a bird, and birds belong to the vertebrate animal family, which all have a backbone.
Owl’s head mobility and neck movements are impressive. These feathered creatures can turn their heads to 270 degrees in both directions. Even though owls can’t roll or turn their eyes, it is handy to rotate their head in such a manner.
Owls also have multiple vertebrae. An owl’s neck has double more vertebrae than that of human beings. Those 14 small bones are one of the main reasons why these birds can move their heads in such a manner and achieve a wide range of motions.
According to researchers, another reason owls’ necks are extremely flexible is that their vertebral arteries are ten times the diameter of the artery, preventing blood supply from being stopped while they rotate their heads.
Wrapping Up
Owls have knees just like other birds. However, owls’ legs are structured differently compared to humans and other animals.
Equipped with robust long legs and sharp talons, the hunting skills of owls, are very effective. Their unique bone structure allows owls to rotate their head for up to 270 degrees.