20 Weakest Animals In The World (With Pictures)

In this world, it is essential to have a strategic plan to survive. All animal creatures, including humans, have different types of defense mechanisms to fight their certain prey.

Weak animals are most likely to be eaten alive or be killed by some tougher animals in the world. Humans made a food chain to classify what animals are the strongest and what animals are the weakest. Animals below the food chain are considered as weak animals or prey for the animals on the top of the food chain.

Today, we are going to talk about the weakest animals in the world. Plus, we add a bonus creature that will surprise you!

These Are The Weakest Animals In The World

We researched this article carefully not to be biased and to avoid some mistakes. In our research, we consider some factors like the defensive mechanism of an animal, what they eat, and where they are in the food chain.

We consider these factors to justify which animals are considered the weakest animals in the world. We also have some standards that help us to decide what animals will be listed on our list.

1. Zooplankton

weakest animals in the world

Zooplanktons can be seen underneath the ocean, and they are heterotrophic plankton. There are many types of zooplankton, and most of them are microscopic, which means a human eye can’t see them.

However, the predators of zooplanktons can see them. Who are their predators? The predators of zooplanktons are small fishes, crustaceans, and whales. They are one of the weakest animals in the world because they are too small and weak to defend themselves.

Even though they are weak, zooplanktons are considered an important animal also. Why? Because zooplanktons give their predators energy, and they have some health benefits for their predators.

2. Worms

weakest animals in the world

There are different kinds of worms in the world, and they are living anywhere. Worms are decomposers and cleaners of a dead body of an animal or a dead plant. All types of worms have their sole purpose on this planet. However, worms are considered as one of the weakest animals on the planet.

Worm’s predators are beetles, spiders, other insects bigger than them, birds, and moles. Most worms have their defense mechanism to confuse their predators. However, their predators are much smarter than them.

3. Ants

weakest animals in the world

Ants are eusocial insects, and they work with groups. They can be seen anywhere we go, and the vast majority of the world is covered with ants. Ants are also considered as decomposers and food for other larger animals.

Some people said that ants are stronger when they work with groups, and they can kill their predators. However, if an ant is alone, they are vulnerable and easy to kill. They are considered as one of the weakest animals in the world because they can’t defend themselves alone.

Most ants have weak defense mechanisms. But, many species of ants are living in the world. Some types of ants have a poisonous sting that can kill larger animals like lions and even humans. However, animals like anteaters can kill them effortlessly.

The predators of ants are larger insects, anteaters, birds, and other larger animals.

4. Small Rodents

weakest animals in the world

Many types of rodents are living here on our planet. Some rodents can be considered pets, and some are pests.

Rodents are the best food for every omnivore and carnivore animal, not just because they are yummy for them, but they are also easy to catch. However, not all rodents are vulnerable and easy to catch. Other rodents are larger and have effective defensive mechanisms.

Small rodents are considered as one of the weakest animals and weakest types of rodents because they are small, and they are not capable of defending themselves from their predators.

Small rodent’s predators are the animals that are larger than them like cats, eagles, dogs, hawks, falcons, and owls. But what are the small rodents I am talking about?

Small rodents such as rats, hamsters, mice, chipmunks, and squirrels are the easier target for larger animals.

5. Frogs

weakest animals in the world

Frogs are small amphibian animals that are living in the rainforest, rivers, and even at your house if you have any plants.

Frogs are considered carnivores because they eat both large and small insects. There are many types of frogs, some are considered poisonous, but all of them are generally small. However, there is a species of frog that is big, and they are called goliath frogs.

Frogs are included in the list of the weakest animals in the world because they are small and they have many predators. Even though some frogs can be dangerous because they have poison, they can still be easily eaten by larger animals.

The frogs’ predators are large animals and birds like hawks, eagles, crows, ducks, snakes, cats, dogs, etc.

6. Koalas

weakest animals in the world

The koala bear is an arboreal marsupial and they are herbivores. They are living in the eucalyptus forest in the southeastern and eastern parts of Australia.

Koalas are stubborn creatures that sleep a lot. If they are not sleeping, then they are eating. Why do they sleep a lot? Because of what they eat. Eucalyptus is the favorite food of Koalas. Eucalyptus is toxic and hard to digest that’s why they sleep too long.

Koalas always stay up in the tree to avoid certain land predators like dingoes, large owls, and eagles. They have claws and to defend themselves. However, they are still considered the weakest animals in the world because their defense mechanism is not too strong.

Like I have said, they use their claws to defend themselves, but their claws are only effective to smaller predators. Koalas also use their claws for cutting trees for food and climbing trees. The koala’s claws have no match with their larger predators that is why they are considered weak animals.

7. Tarsiers

weakest animals in the world

Tarsiers are haplorhine primates that are included in the family of Tarsiidae. They are living in the islands of southeast Asian countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei.

Tarsiers have very weak defense mechanisms, and they are very prone to predators. They defend themselves with a tactic called hiding. They have no special weapon that could save them, and the only thing they can do is to hide.

What are tarsier’s predators? Their predators are small carnivore animals and large birds like eagles. Aside from that, tarsiers are also considered as one of the weak animals in the world because they are also mentally weak.

Tarsiers kill and hurt themselves if they feel anxious and scared. If they see people or tourists, they are most likely to act anxious and can lead to suicidal actions.

8. Yorkshire Pigs

weakest animals in the world

Yorkshire pigs are one of the species of pigs and they can be seen everywhere in the world. They are usually the weakest pig species, and they are food for humans.

Like other pigs, Yorkshire pigs defend themselves from their predators by relying on their speed to run away from their predators. Yorkshire pigs are considered the weakest animal in the world because they are small, easy to kill, and have weak defense mechanisms.

9. Chickens

weakest animals in the world

Chickens are considered good food for every animal at the top of the food chain including humans. Chickens have many different kinds of breeds and can be seen throughout the whole world.

All types of chickens defend themselves from their predators by using their beak and their claws. They are small, and they can’t fly like other birds. Chickens can be easily killed by carnivore and omnivore animals because their defense mechanism is too weak and can be easily countered.

Chickens are on our list of the weakest animals in the world because they have poor defense mechanisms, and they are below the food chain.

10. Apodiformes Birds

weakest animals in the world

What are Apodiformes birds? Apodiformes birds are part of the aves and are considered the weakest bird from all aves species. Many birds are below into these Apodiformes categories, and most of them are small.

Apodiformes birds eat plants, flowers, and nectars. They are food for large carnivore birds, snakes, etc. Apodiformes birds have very weak defense mechanisms that are why they are included in the list of the weakest animals in the world.

What are the different kinds of Apodiformes birds? The different kinds of Apodiformes birds are swifts, hummingbirds, and treeswifts.

11. Small Dogs

weakest animals in the world

Yeah, dogs can bite, but they are still physically weak especially if they are small dogs. They are part of the canine species under the dog category. Small dogs like Yorkshire terriers, chihuahuas, etc. are the weak species of dogs.

All dogs are omnivores including the small dogs, which means they eat both plants and meat. How do small dogs protect themselves? They protect themselves by biting, and biting is the common defense mechanism of all canine groups.

Small dogs are considered one of the weakest animals in the world because they are small, and they cannot survive in the wild. What are the predators of small dogs? The predators of small dogs are larger carnivores like eagles, hawks, and owls.

12. House Cats

weakest animals in the world

House cats might be smart, but they are still physically weak when compared to other stronger animals. House cats like Persian cats, marine coon, ragdoll, etc. are the smallest breed of Felidae species.

Like the name above, house cats are intended for a house or to be a pet. Even if they look like tigers or lions, they are not capable of living in the jungle or wild places. Also, even though some people think that cats are more responsible than dogs still, cats can be dependent on humans sometimes.

Who are their predators? Cats’ predators are foxes, skunks, raccoons, coyotes, and hawks. They defend themselves from these predators by using their claw and their speed to escape from their predators.

House cats are considered one of the weakest animals in the world because they have weak defense mechanisms, and they are below in the food chain.

13. Donkeys

weakest animals in the world

Donkeys are domesticated members of the horse family. They are born to serve people, especially on farms. Donkeys are used to guard sheep, transportation for humans, and sire mules.

Donkeys are not good at dealing with their predators. What are the predators of donkeys? The predators of donkeys are carnivore animals like lions, foxes, wolves, tigers, etc. Donkeys often run from their predators, and they don’t usually do a counter offense.

They are included in the list of weakest animals in the world because they have weak defense mechanisms, and they are the smallest animals in the family of horses.

14. Sloths

weak animals in the world

Sloths are known as the slowest animal in the world. They live in the trees of the forest, and they can are living in the forests of Central America and northern South America.

Sloths can be powerful because they use their claws to defend themselves from their predators. However, they are still considered weak animals because their defense mechanisms have no match against other big animals.

What are the sloth’s predators? The sloths’ predators are jaguars, ocelots, and large birds like eagles. However, they can still escape their predators by using camouflage and don’t have to attack.

15. White-Tailed Deers

weakest animals in the world

White-tailed deer, the weakest deer in the deer family, can be seen in the northern part of America, southern Canada, and South America. They inhabit fields, meadows, and forests.

They are the smallest kind of deers and the usual meal for carnivore animals and humans. White-tailed deers are hunted by humans. Their predators aside from humans are jaguar, lions, wolves, and foxes.

They escape their predators by using their speed. White-tailed deers have no defense mechanisms. That is why they deserve to be on the list of the weakest animals in the world.

16. Pygmy Marmosets

weakest animals in the world

Pygmy Marmosets are included in the monkey family, and they are the smallest type of monkey. These pygmy marmosets can be found in the western Amazon Basin, Brazil Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Some people keep them as pets, but they are still considered wild animals.

Pygmy marmoset’s predators are big birds like eagles and hawks, snakes, and ocelots. How do they defend themselves? Pygmy Marmosets defend themselves from their predators by climbing up to the three.

They are one of the weakest animals in the world because they are small and have weak defense mechanisms.

17. Small Fishes

weakest animals in the world

Yes, of course, small fishes are on the list, I won’t list them one by one because it will take a lot of time. The small fishes I am talking about are both freshwater and saltwater fishes. Why are they weak animals?

Because they are small! Small fishes like goldfish, clownfish, etc. are food for larger aquatic animals like sharks in the ocean and crocodiles in the freshwater.

18. Hedgehogs

weak animals in the world

Hedgehogs are any spiny small animals. They can be found in the woods, gardens, savannas, deserts, and forests in European countries, Asian countries, African countries, and New Zealand.

Hedgehogs don’t have a long lifespan, and they are capable of living for 2-5 years only. They are small and usually kept as pets by some people.

Hedgehog’s predators are big birds like eagles and owls, foxes, wolves, and mongooses. How do hedgehogs defend themselves? Hedgehogs defend themselves by extending their spines and curl themselves into a ball.

19. Fairyflies

The mymaridae or fairy flies are a family of chalcid wasps, and they can be found in temperate and tropical countries throughout the world. Their lifespan is 3-11 days only, and they are considered the weakest insects in the world.

The mymaridae’s predators are small and big frogs.

20. Small Birds

weak animals in the world

Aside from the Apodiformes birds, there are other small birds breed that is considered as the weakest birds in the world and weakest animals in the world.; I will not also list them all because it will take a lot of time.

As confirmed by Garrett Hayes from Birding Hub, “Small birds like a finch, canary, etc. are the weakest type of birds. Not only they are small, but because they have weak defense mechanisms against big eagles.”

Who are these small bird predators? Their predators could be big birds like eagles, foxes, domesticated dogs, and other omnivore and carnivore animals.

Bonus: Human Beings

Many people stated that human beings are the weakest creature on the planet because they don’t have any natural defense like claws. However, I disagree with this.

Humans are the smartest species in the world, and even though they don’t have any natural defense mechanisms, they can still defend themselves by using any tactics. Humans are capable of thinking and inventing weapons that can protect themselves.

Final Words

Life is a cycle, and it is indeed a survival of the fittest. It is unfair, and this is the red pill that we must swallow. Weak creatures or weak animals deserve to live, but for nature to continue their progress, they have to be eaten by larger animals, and larger animals will serve as human food.

Even though these animals are the weakest in the world, they are still cute and deserve so much love and recognition.

Jake Willhoite
Jake runs AnimalDome.com and has had cats and dogs his entire life. As a kid his family adopted several dogs from the local shelter which set him down the path of animal rescue.
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